Roanoke Gas Company Deploys FileNexus® Document Management Solution

Roanoke Gas CompanyApproximately 57,000 customers in the Roanoke Metropolitan Area of Southwest Virginia rely on Roanoke Gas Company every day for the delivery of natural gas. Providing reliable, efficient, costeffective service to their customers is of paramount importance.

The FileNexus® Document Management Solution allows organizations the ability to capture virtually any type of document from any source (i.e. paper records, electronic files such as host generated reports, emails and so on), index and compress them for secure archival and future recall – providing a single cohesive repository for all document management, workflow and retention needs.

Roanoke Gas manages thousands of critical documents in every department, from customer service to accounts payable, to engineering. They needed a document management solution that would integrate seamlessly with both their customer information and financial management systems, and be implemented quickly.

“We considered several document management systems, but in the end we were most impressed with the functionality of FileNexus® and the fact that it integrated so seamlessly with our existing host system.”
Bobby Wells, Vice President of IT
Roanoke Gas

After deploying FileNexus® in their Accounting and Executive departments, Roanoke Gas were impressed with how the system positively impacted workflow. From accounts payable purchase orders and invoices, to work orders, to corporate contracts and board minutes – Roanoke now has all of these documents stored in a way that is both easily accessible and secure.

Learn more about how other utilities use FileNexus®:

For more information on how FileNexus® can improve your business efficiency, please visit, or write to

About Roanoke Gas Company
To learn more about Roanoke Gas Company, please visit their website

Published July 2011.