Harris Computers To Make FileNexus® Cloud Services Available To Customers

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TORONTO, ON. November 5, 2015 – Today, Toronto-based Loris Technologies Inc. announced the next step in its strategic partnership with Harris Computer Systems (Harris) to make FileNexus® Cloud Services (FCS) available to Harris customers. Harris is a leading North American provider of software solutions with more than 18,000 client sites, spanning the utility, local government, education and health care sectors.

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Coming in FileNexus® v6.8: The New FileNexus® Portal is quick to deploy and fully customizable

You asked and we listened…

Loris Technologies Inc. is pleased to announce FileNexus® Portal – an out of the box, quick to deploy, fully customizable solution. Present information you already store in FileNexus® internally or externally to customers, vendors, staff on the road, etc. Continue reading